Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 269-apple mac book pro cover

Tonight I have decided to be practical and get started on a padded sleeve for my new laptop.
I was planning to finish it tonight too, but I need to "sleep on it" (not literally on the laptop itself) I am just not sure if I want to make it a laptop sleeve with a velcro tab? or a satchel bag??
see the process so far below...

padded fabric from resource rescue
check the size of my laptop and cut
 I thought it would be cute to cut the apple logo out of felt and stitch it on the front
I cut out a piece of red felt the same size and overlocked the edges together, that way the inside is nice a soft too (plus the red looks cool)
 then I remembered I had a bag strap I had never used laying around and thought maybe I should make it into a satchel? instead of just a sleeve??
 hmmm what do you think? I think its time for bed and I will decide tomorrow....
apple out

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