Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 104- garter take two

Okay, so I took my mum's advice and tried again.
Garter's are really not my thing... but if i had to wear one, maybe it would be something like this...

yo yo maker
 put fabric inside
 materials, cotton webbing, vintage striped bias binding, gingham check ribbon
 yo yo made
 is that better? 
less bling, more craft

 a gift for the bride

craft out leggy lass's


SilverMoon Dragon said...

I thought the other one was nicer personally. Perhaps it was slightly tacky in a non-wedding setting, but when else would you wear a white garter anyway? Most wedding garters in stores are all lace and pearls and sequins anyway.

365 days of craft said...

thanks!!! well who knows maybe i can start a "personalised handmade garter" business ha ha ha!