Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 97-Frilly Bloomers

Tonight I...
arrived home at 6pm,
poured a glass of wine and cleaned the kitchen
finished a wine on the deck with my fiancee
started on craft, whilst fiancee started on dinner
made a pattern
cut out fabric
sewed some gathering stitch, gathered frills in front of the tv
ate dinner
continued to sew, and sew, and sew....took photos, finished...10.40pm
another long crafty night...
ITS 3 DAYS till day 100!!! woot woot! what a feat! tiring but also very rewarding! I hope you are all enjoying the journey.
I would love more comments if you have time?? it keeps me motivated and suggestions for projects are welcome!
See tonight's craft below,

 sketched a quick pattern from a sample
choose and cut out fabric
gathered some long strips for the frills
 finished the edge of the frill with the overlocker
attach your frills to the back panel before sewing the pant together,
then stitch the pant together and create a seam for the elastic to be pulled thru the edges
(once your edge seams are done the best and easiest way to pull the elastic thru the hole is to join a safety pin to the end of the elastic and use the safety pin as your lever/guide to help the elastic all the way thru)
awww cute!!
the little 365 tag just finishes it off!
i didnt have a baby or a life sized doll i just turned the foam head upside down... ha ha ha

all crafted out, pants on head

craft out frilly bloomers


bojud said...

Pants on head goes well with the wine and fake lashes.HeHe.
When I started to read the blog I was expecting Big bloomers aka the big undies frilled!!

Jaime Hillman said...

these a super cute, and a really inspiring idea.