Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 180 well actually 181

So I realised the other day that I had repeated the number of the day two days in a row... so its actually day 181 (I never claimed to be good at maths, ha ha ha).

The exciting news is that tomorrow is day 182!!! (why is that exciting you ask?) because that marks the halfway point of the 365 days of craft!! A guy I work with said to me "wow that went fast".... and I responded "for you maybe!"

Today's craft started out in one direction and has ended up in another...

I had the idea to use some old thread spools as the body for some pop up dolls (I picked up the thread spools from Resource Rescue).

my plan was to cover the spool with felt, use a piece of dowl as the puppet stick, and attached the sun on the top of the stick (which you can then hide inside the spool and pop out of the spool creating your own little puppet show)
So I started making a happy sunny face with the plan to make a series of "weather" pop up dolls

Except my sun ended up too fat to fit into the spool!! 
So plan B is to use my weather faces for a kids mobile. 
I do plan to still use the spools as the body for pop up dolls, but I will have to make smaller heads!

for now mr sunny joins some of the other crafty creations in the basil pot
craft out!

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