Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 183 Green Eggs and Ham

Today's craft involves upcycling a second hand print t-shirt...

Step one--- cut the middle section of the t-shirt (front and back) into two rectangles
 cut some black jersey fabric the same size for the lining
 use your overlocker to join the sides, creating two cylinders (one green, one black) then join these two, bagging them out so the black fabric becomes the lining for your neck scarf.
 WALAH! green eggs and ham neck scarf for those chilly winter mornings! plus you have upcycled an old garment giving it new life!!
 if its really cold you can pull it up over your head

Craft out!!


Anonymous said...

I like this!

Curious Art said...

Oh wow... that's an excellent way to recycle a shirt whose colors I love but whose style doesn't suit me.