Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 200!!! hot polka lamp

So following on from yesterday I still can't decide what to do with the "Moet Lamp", so I went to another op shop at lunchtime today and bought another two lamp shades (small, simple shaped ones) I thought it might be better for me to try covering my first shade on an easy shape.

op shop hunting (I am going to cover the one on the left tonight)
 making a pattern piece of the lamp's shape
 pattern piece complete
 snip, snip, snip some happy polka dot fabric
 finish the edge neatly with my hot little brother overlocker
 pin inside out, and then stitch on the normal machine
 then "hello mr glue gun!"
 I glued the bottom first, and then snipped around the top to release the fabric tension
and then finally glued the top sections down
 now for the finishing touches...
contrasting blue?
 frilly moulin rouge?
 with a bow?
 moulin rouge, feathers and bling?
Craft out


Maela said...

Love this one!

Shinygirl said...

LOVE the bow - looks like your cute lamp is wearing a garter belt.