Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 213-more wallpaper paste

Tonight my doily ball lamp is finally dry!! But a few of the overlap bits have lifted, so another batch of wallpaper glue is called for...

see it is lifting off
he he he!
 the doilies have shrunk as it dried, pushing the balloon out the top
me getting messy... again
then with the left over glue I have dipped another doily in the glue 
and wrapped it over
a glass lamp shade
so another few nights next to the heater...

Craft out


Anonymous said...

I have tried this, but mine collapsed, I used the wallpaper border paste, so I would appreciate any input as to what I did wrong? so please let me know

365 days of craft said...

Hi, I am still working on perfecting the method. You need to leave it to dry for at least a week of two so it gets really hard. You can use plaster instead as this dries much harder (but it will be white and you will lose some detail of the doilies. Another person told me they have used bond crete, I have not tried that myself but apparently this dries alot harder. Craft is never as easy as it looks! and always takes longer than expected! its a labour of love! happy crafting and thanks for following the blog! bronwyn