Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 228-another home sick & another brooch

I spent the day at home again, not feeling the best

at one point I was on the lounge, drinking a cup of tea, when I realised I was not alone...
this is who was outside...
(they are slightly scarey in groups)
okay back to craft, this time using green coloured fabric scraps and a vintage brooch in the middle to top it off

 I popped down the road to get a few groceries towards the end of the day, I thought i'd wear the green brooch to make me feel abit more perky (with no make-up, no hairdo and "been in bed for two days" brain)
Anyways, the lady behind the counter at the servo asked me what I had won? (referring to my brooch)
I replied "on no havent won anything, apart from a cold, as for the brooch I made it myself"
she replies "oh I thought you might be a school teacher and that your students had made you a brooch for being their favourite"
YEP, that's just great! I have spent 228 days making craft and it still looks like a school kid made it.... to the UN-trained eye... love my life!
craft out


Caz said...

Make the cockies little outfits and top hats!!

Anonymous said...

I love the birds and the green brooch. :)