Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 236-fantastic elastic continued

Tonight I have tried out the swirl scarf again but this time with a different technique.
With last night's scarf I was hoping the scarf would twist around more.

Tonight I am using some red sheer fabric
 cut into a large circle
 and then cut the fabric out in a swirl
 instead of attaching the elastic straight away I have run a gathering stitch down the centre of the fabric first, that way when i do attach the fabric it will be twice as frilly and hopefully twice as curly
 this is how long it is with just the gathering stitch
 then i stitched the elastic down the centre, using tension on the elastic the whole way
 here is the final product, a super frilly fun scarf...
although its no really a scarf for practical purposes, its more like a fascinator for the neck,
perhaps a "scarfinator"
craft out

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