Thursday, February 24, 2011

Crafty trash... or Trashy craft?

Tonight I have challenged myself to reinvent my rubbish. I was about to take my recycling up to the recycling bin after dinner when I had an idea, I hadn't yet thought of what craft project I was going to make and I had a big pile of bottles and boxes and plastic for the recycling... what could I do with it??

Its really hard when faced with the challenge because you brain seems to just go... "hmmm what could I do with it? put it in the bin sounds like a good idea!"

But I persevered... and lets just say its not my finest craft moment... but i did start with trash and manage to make some things.

my recycling
I flattened and cut up the cardboard boxes
 traced neat rectangles on the plain side
 glued these sections onto some pages out of my favourite magazine "Frankie"

walah gift tags

next those plastic bottles, plastic containers and tin
hmmm seedling planters?
pretty and crafty seedling planters

The final products altogether
and I still have more recycling left over...
but i think thats headed for the bin...

craft out
crafty trash bags


Anonymous said...

Cute gift tags!

Connie Yeung said...

I love the gift tags too!!! Great colours!!!

365 days of craft said...

thanks connie! you can buy those too if you want! 10 for $10, cheers bronwyn