Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 132-Cruising L.A. for the day

Today has been great! In fact the best day at work ive ever had! I have been paid to drive around L.A and shop!! okay so my normal "day job" is not usually ANYWHERE! near this glamourous, this is the exception to the rule.
My usual day consists of sitting in front of a computer and...well ...sitting in front of a computer. Below are a few pics from the day's events and today's craft.

Brekky... yum
Convertible with my besty, we were having a thelma and louise moment...
 (we asked for an "upgrade" at the car rental... "you dont ask you dont get")
I think I have finally got the hang of driving on the wrong side of the road!
Initially it was like learning to drive again (except in another country, on the wrong side of the road and in the most expensive car you have EVER driven! ahhh)
so what was I doing for work? 
My job is to design clothing and accessories for a few different menswear and boyswear labels in Australia's discount department stores Target and Kmart. We have to ensure to keep up to date with overseas trends even at this lower end of the market. In order to do so we seasonally go on overseas trips to research and purchase "on trend" garments and product. This is only my second overseas buying trip for work (and the first by myself). 
I have to say that as fun and as glamourous as it may look it is also quite stressful, you are being entrusted to research and purchase the right product for particular clients in a short time frame. Your own job and reputation is on the line, so I do take this side of it seriously.

Okay back to craft...
(I do PROMISE when I get home, the blog will return to more of a "craft blog" and less of a "travel blog")
Today's craft is a t-shirt I designed on illustrator and printed when I was still back in melbourne
its a sentiment I feel quite strongly about, see below
Craft out

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