Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 210-plate stack x2

This morning I spent about an hour trying to dry the "balloon doily" creation with my hair dryer... its still very wet and now sitting near the ducted heating vent. I think after it dries it is going to need another layer of something to keep it firm (plaster? lacquer? suggestions welcome??)

As for today's craft I have made another jewellery stand stack. After the success of the first one I went and raided a few op shops of plates and cups to make a few more!!

a growing collection of plates and cups
 jewel stand number 2
 they look great together
 I think I am going to need a bigger dressing table soon.....
Craft out!!!


tan said...

Hey Bron, this is Jo's friend Tania :o)
I got one of my students last semester to stick her doily sculpture together with watered down bondcrete - worked a treat!

365 days of craft said...

sweet, I will investigate! Are you the friend who she was going to ask about gallery spaces in the city? I am currently looking for a space to exhibit the whole 365 day project (possibly dec/jan/feb or even march??) Jo was going to ask around. Cheers and thanks for the advice!