Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 13-lucy long legs

Its 11.50pm!! and Ive just made it! (well its almost finished...i will have to stitch the final touches tomorrow).
The problem with my current work all day/ craft at night is that I have NO PLANS what-so-ever as to what I am going to make each night! which is fun and spontaneous but also a little bit OUT OF CONTROL!!!
I am planning to try to get more organised over the weekend (maybe planning a few craft days in advance).
So today I started sketching onto some plain cream fabric and long leg lucy evolved! She is not quite finished....she just kept growing....and accessorizing, see process below, I will add final pictures tomorrow.

sketched onto fabric directly
cut out the dress fabric
stitched on the eyes, ears and mouth
yes that is the length of my dining table!!
like me she also enjoys red shoes!

12.01am, craft out xxoo
agh, i need to get more organised....
will add completed pics tomorrow


Christine said...

Mighty effort! Her shoes are so Cute. Your doing so well, But agree too many pressure late nights will make this unpleasant. Weekend planning sounds smart =)

Misha said...


She's adorable and your fortitude to push forward while accessorizing in the final moments is inspiring.

I found Noah Scanlin this weekend and am loving checking out all the fine folks 365'ing it. Just started mine this week and am looking forward to the journey.

cheers ~


365 days of craft said...

thanks, noah scalin will be featuring my blog in about 3 weeks! keep your eyes out for it!!