Monday, January 3, 2011

JANUARY 3-picture wall

It is a beautiful sunny day in Melbourne (they do happen occasionally), its also sadly the last day of my holidays from work (boo hoo), and the 3rd day of my crafty new year!
Today I have put together my "picture feature wall", this project has taken some months of preparation, collecting frames from various op shops, buying the "correct" hooks for the wall (who would have "thunk" that you would need anything more than a "nail and hammer??") and deciding on how it would all piece together.
Initially I cut out a few big pieces of butchers paper and sticky taped these together on the floor, then placed the pictures on the paper (on the floor) and moved them around until the puzzle seemed to fit.
This saved time on punching lots of holes in the wall in the wrong place and also meant you could play around with the sizes, shapes and colours without getting very saw arms from holding them up!!
I then transferred the paper onto the wall in place and taped this in position.
From here I directly drilled holes thru the paper and onto the wall, meaning the position was perfect everytime.
I am yet to print the photos for the empty frames (I will put photos up of the final product when I do) but for now I think it has turned out great! (pictures below...)
Oh and as for that cinnamon tea cake I was waiting on yesterday...lets just say I am alot better at crafting than baking. It did turn out just didn't really also below...

frames outlined on the butchers paper

starting to drill the holes thru the paper

the collection pile (i didn't get to use them all for this wall) I think it looks better when its not too chaotic

admiring my handy work

almost done!!! just need to print out all those classic happy snaps to add into the empty frames

I learnt about "wall mates" which you need to use when attaching pictures to plaster....

and lastly,,, my sad old tea cake that didn't rise....


bojud said...

BRON YOU JUST KEEP ON AMAZING ME, I HAD THE SAME IDEA ABOUT 3 YEARS AGO AND GOT FRAMES AND KNOW THE WALL WHERE I WOULD LIKE IT BUT THATS AS FAR AS IT HAS GOT, LOVE THE FAMILY HEIRLOOM.X By the way if that is Gram's recipe it is not a big mixture and looks exactly as it should and I be it tasted YUMM!!

Rose Wintergreen said...

Wow, great idea using the paper to sort out the positions! Thanks for the tip.